The Game Is True American!

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Get ready to play America’s favorite pastime!......or my drunk uncle’s. True American is a game of organized chaos! Drink as much beer as possible and visit every state! Whoever travels to all the states and does a shot with the President first wins! President Jack loves shots!


  1. Make the White House. Bottle of Jack (Or your Favorite liquor) surrounded by beer(Jack is the President).

  2. Choose an American icon to play as!

  3. Remember everything you hear in True American is a lie knock on wood.

  4. States are spread out around the room (Use literally anything you can stand on).

  5. The floor is LAVA! Touch it and you have 3 seconds to get out or you die!

  6. Shotgun Tip-off (Just initiates the start anyone can do this).

  7. 1...2...3...4...JFK! FDR! (Yell this because Murica!).

  8. Everyone starts at a State and runs to get a Beer! Use other States to get to the White House for a beer (or use your 3-second window to touch the lava, this is risky business).

  9. Find Dry Land! Once you have a beer run back to your State. (!Be careful with your furniture!).

  10. Whoever shot gunned becomes the CZAR and starts the tasks listed below in any order. (After every task move to the next state UNLESS TOLD OTHERWISE!) Whoever is on the state closest to the left of the CZAR becomes the new CZAR after each turn. Tasks may not be repeated after it has just been done!  

    1. 1...2...3...4...JFK! FDR!- Choose a number and put that many fingers on your forehead and if anyone matches with you … you drink and do not move to the next state! (one hand) 

    2. Main Land!- Whoever yelled this better get ready for company! Everyone must get to THE CZAR STATE, whoever is last or cannot fit …. Drinks and does not move to the next state! Return to your state you were on and move forward. (!Be careful with your furniture!)...If you cannot fit stand on one leg until there is room on that State.

    3. ABE LINCOLN! GEORGE WASHINGTON! CHERRY TREE!- Get to a State made of wood! The last one there …. Drinks and does not move to the next state! ( If you have no wood furniture designate an alternative)  

    4. Capital- Remember these from school? Start listing the capitals of states rapidly, whoever cannot think of one, repeats, or takes too long …. Drinks and does not move to the next state!

    5. Anthem- Start the anthem word by word go clockwise and whoever messes it up…. Drinks and does not move on to the next state!

    6. Attention!- General is here! Whoever Solutes Last...Drinks! And goes BACK one State for treason.

    7. We Can do it!- Girl Power! The last girl to flex …. Drinks and does not move to the next state! (Guys move on)

    8. Draft!- Uncle Sam needs you! The last guy to yell point!.... Drinks and does not move to the next state! (girls move on)

    9. State- Hope you know your States! Start listing States rapidly, whoever cannot think of one, repeats, or takes too long …. Drinks and does not move to the next state.

    10. Cowboys and Native Americans- Draw your gun and shoot the person next to you (Bang and point gun) continue to do this in order! Watch out for the natives! Bow and Arrow gestures and Whoosh sound can reverse the order but will continue with a bang in the opposite direction! (basically steering wheel game if you have ever done that)

How To Win- Once a player has visited all of the states he or she is allowed to walk on the floor. They must do a shot of liquor at the white house. Whoever does this first wins!

*Note more tasks can be made up if players decide to*

Laws- Even more Chaos added

Laws are decided by what state you are in! Only the people on these States can activate these actions at anytime.

Assign 4 states with one of the laws listed.

  1. Brave- yell “only thing we have to fear” Everyone else responds with “fear itself” (everyone drinks)

  2. Pledge- hand on heart …. last one drinks!

  3. Boot stomper- Stomp them boots …. last one drinks!

  4. Statue of Liberty- Strike the pose... last one drinks!


*Be careful this is a dangerous game because you are standing on different types of furniture and drinking!

*The more states the better! The game will go on longer!

*No one can be without a drink, once you are finished go grab another and return to your current state. Remember though the Floor is LAVA you only get 3 seconds! or go through the states and return. Empty Beer cans must be thrown at Gettysburg (Usually a trash can).

*If played in teams, all players of one team must visit each state and complete a shot with the president! Piggyback as much as possible.

*Clinton’s Rule can be a fun bonus if played with couples! It adds a Law to a designated State, both partners must be in the state and yell Lewinsky and all the other couples must strip a piece of clothing. Teams can be made up of couples or regular teams.

*Have fun and be the best American!

*we do not condone underage drinking of any sort. play safe and have a good time.